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SWEET GRANADILLA (passiflora ligularis)

Also known as sweet granadilla. Large heart shaped soft leaves, new growth has purple tinged, pale green flowers. The fruit are bigger than the purple passionfruit, round with orange/brown skins. The pulp is more liquid than that of the others. The vine has a lush tropical appearance and is vigorous. The pulp of passionfruit is delicious added to fruit salads or used to flavour yoghurt etc. Can be stored frozen, if you can resist the temptation to eat it at once! Feed well especially with potassium and magnesium spring and autumn. All fruit on new wood, so pruning in either spring or autumn is advisable. 



NOTE: We are unable to supply Passiflora Ligularis for planting in the Auckland region as it has been added to the Auckland Regional Pest Management Plan


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